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The Expert Starting Point for Yor Mental Health

Use genetic science to help improve your mental wellness.


The human genome contains approximately 20,000 protein coding genes, and a third of those are active primarily in the brain.

While your unique genetic profile influences how you think, feel and behave, it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

Mental health is a function of genetics, experience, lifestyle, and environment. That’s the Mental Health 360.

The Mental Health 360

The Mental Health Map tests for specific genetic variants that have been shown to influence behavior, mood, stress response and more across the 7 Core Genetic Mental Health Capabilities.

Your 7 in-depth reports will show you how to use the personalized insights and actions to support and improve your mental wellness.

Before we get into the science, here’s what Genomind® Mental Health Map™ users are saying about their results:

There are so many areas I knew I struggled with but was not sure really how to put a name to some of these issues. This test gave me so many ways to help myself. I could pay $150 a session at a counselor for one hour. To me this is something I will have forever for the same cost as 3 or 4 sessions with a counselor. Now if I do want to seek help, we can dig right in on my issues.

- Juli S.

So much of it really resonated with me. It really is the map of my life. I want this map now for my 17 year old son so that I can make decisions and help him make informed decisions as he moves forward. If I, or my mother, had had this map when I was 14, the informed decisions that she/we could have made would have impacted my life.

- Bonnie B.

What I learned from my report was invaluable. I now feel I have the tools to improve my mental health and better understand ‘me’.

- Gina U.

The way that this process involves both genetic results and support on how to affect your given predispositions is truly amazing! It’s a unique, refreshing mix of research and compassion that I am grateful to have finally found. Results are provided in a way that emphasizes how you are more than just your DNA. This can help you gain the help to overcome obstacles you previously thought immovable.

- Lauren M.

This was an eye opener for me! When you have a child who struggles in one area or another, as a parent, often you feel there is nothing you can do. This showed me there is something specific I can do. I’m all about having tools in my toolbox! This offered me two amazing, very actionable things that will give us peace of mind. I can’t say enough about how this has been reaffirming for us. The results were dead on and very helpful

- Paige M.

GET TO KNOW The 7 Core Genetic Mental Health Capabilities™

7 In-Depth Reports

Each report identifies possible mental health predispositions based on your genotype. This means you are more likely to react or behave a certain way.

Potential Predispositions

Heightened Stress, Fear and Startle Responses, Worry, Lingering Guilt, Nervousness, Tension, Rule Follower or Warrior-Like Resilience.

Potential Predispositions

Moodiness, Irritability, Even Tempered, Type A Personality, Reserved, Low Mood and Energy, Negative Bias, Thick-Skinned or Thin-Skinned.

Potential Predispositions

Inattentiveness/ Distractibility, Decreased Working or Visual-Spacial Memory, Improved Muscle Memory, Mid-Life Brain Fog, Strategic Focus, Impulsivity.

Potential Predispositions

Late-Night Snacking, Emotional Eating, Skipping Breakfast, Picky Eating, Sweet Tooth, Fat Cravings, Overeating.

Potential Predispositions

Night Owl or Early Bird, Trouble Falling Asleep, Snoring, Limb Movements in Sleep, Sensitivity to Sleep Deprivation, Daytime Lethargy.

Potential Predispositions

Performance Anxiety, Sensitivity to Rejection or Decreased Self Esteem, Dwelling on Embarrassment, Empathetic, Lone Wolf or People Person, Trusting.

Potential Predispositions

Increased Habit-Forming Potential, Comfortable with Risks, Easily Intoxicated, Nicotine Habit Potential, Sensitive to the Effects of Marijuana.


Analysis of up to 38 expertly curated genetic variants that impact your mental health and wellness.

7 In-Depth Interactive Reports that identify your predispositions across the 7 Core Genetic Mental Health Capabilities.

Actionable insights & recommendations backed by the latest global scientific evidence.




Collect a cheek swab with the cotton swabs included in the kit.



We test each sample twice in our CLIA and CAP certified laboratory within twenty business days.



Once your results are ready, you can view your reports online.

What's Included in Each Comprehensive Report

Sample Report

Each in-depth report provides an overview of the specific capability and identifies all related genetic variants and resulting predispositions.

Sample Trait

Each core genetic mental health capability is influenced by traits, which result from the interaction of your genetic makeup and your environment.

Sample Mechanism

Mechanisms are decided by genes that code for proteins, enzymes and receptors in the body. Mental health mechanisms impact the way you function in the world, form thoughts and display emotions.

Sample Genotype

We inherit two copies of most genes. One copy is inherited from our father and another from our mother.

This combination is your genotype and influences your traits.

Sample Predisposition

The reports identify genetic predispositions you may have for various traits. While this means you may be more likely to feel or behave a certain way, your environment and lifestyle are factors too.

Sample insights & Actions

Each report includes detailed insights and actions you can take to improve different areas of your mental wellbeing based on the latest genetic science.

TRI-LOCK™ Privacy and Security

There is nothing more personal than your genetics or mental health. Genomind® uses the TRI-LOCK™ safeguard protocol to guard your genetics and personal information.

CHOICE-LOCK: We do not sell, lease, or rent your identifiable or de-identified data or DNA without your explicit permission.

LOCATION-LOCK: We secure your information on hardened servers.

ENCRYPTION-LOCK: We guard your genetics and information with crypto-security.

Learn more about the Genomind® privacy policy here.

Over a Decade of Mental Health Leadership

Genomind has provided mental health genetic insights for more than 275,000 patients. We have first-hand experience with real-world mental health cases and have consulted and educated tens of thousands of clinicians and patients.

Over a Decade of Mental Health Leadership

Genomind has provided mental health genetic insights for more than 275,000 patients. We have first-hand experience with real-world mental health cases and have consulted and educated tens of thousands of clinicians and patients.

Highly Certified and Accurate Lab Testing

Our world-class genetics lab is CLIA, CAP and New York Department of Health certified. We test every sample twice for 99.9% accuracy and protect your personal information with TRI-LOCK security protocol.

Highly Certified and Accurate Lab Testing

Our world-class genetics lab is CLIA, CAP and New York Department of Health certified. We test every sample twice for 99.9% accuracy and protect your personal information with TRI-LOCK security protocol.

Every test comes with:







Are you ready to empower your mental wellness journey with genetic knowledge?